
Black Markets and Business Blues: The Man Made Crisis of 2007-2009 and the New Road to a New Capitalism.
(FI Press Montreal, 2009)

Authors: Yvan Allaire (Ph.D. MIT) and Mihaela Firsirotu (Ph.D. McGill)

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Plaidoyer pour un Nouveau Capitalisme: sur les causes profondes des crises fiancières et sur les moyens de s'en sortir.
(IGOPP, 2010)

Authors: Yvan Allaire (Ph.D. MIT) and Mihaela Firsirotu (Ph.D. McGill)

Available in Quebec's book stores or download it on IGOPP !


Propos de Gouvernance... avant, pendant et après la crise financière de 2007-2008.
(IGOPP, 2011)

Authors: Yvan Allaire (Ph.D. MIT) and Mihaela Firsirotu (Ph.D. McGill)

Available in Quebec's book stores.

Beyond Monks and Minow: From Fiduciary to Value Creating Governance.

(FI Press Montreal, 2005)

Authors: Yvan Allaire (Ph.D. MIT) and Mihaela Firsirotu (Ph.D. McGill)

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Stratégies et Moteurs de Performance
(Chenelière McGraw-Hill, 2004)

Authors: Yvan Allaire (Ph.D. MIT) and Mihaela Firsirotu (Ph.D. McGill)